Wednesday, May 30, 2012

And a few photos:

 Mara got some Starbell kisses
 Pikachu in thoughts

 Pikachu's milky face :-D I'm so ready for Evie to wean them but she does not seem to want to....

 Adam and his friend with puppies
With Douglas and Starbell's l-o-n-g tongue !

Five week portraits: 

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Photos from TODAY: 

 Foxfire visits on the swing with Zohar and Oded
 Kendall with Rainchu
 Lauren with Foxfire

 Rainchu with Anne and with a plant
 CUTE Pikachu
 Lunch and Dessert

  Noa in a group photo

 Lauren and Kendall with the group
 Rainchu and ball
 Sidekick and Strabell

TIRED puppies :-)
A video compilation:

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Few pictures from today:

 Foxfire :-)
 Rainchu :-)

 Starbell :-)

 Adam Oded and a pile of pups :-)
 Foxfire got the ball!
 Oded with Rainchu and Pikachu
 Starbell kisses :-)
Starbell demonstrates: this is how Weims drink (!) prepare towels and rugs everyone ;-)
Photos from the pups' fourth week :-)


 Starbell on the move and...with her tongue sticking out ;-)
 Framed Rainchu
 Games with Pikachu, Rainchu and Evie
 The sleeping pile
 Pikachu !
 Puppy love with Zena
 Sleepy looking Sidekick
 Adam and Starbell
 Foxfire in thoughts
Always hungry